Courses Taught by Instructor

C Programming Course


C Programming Course

Institute for Industrial Development

Enrolled 2
  • 2 Classes
  • 32:25:32
Rs.1,100.00 Add to cart
Internet, WWW, and Web Browser


Internet, WWW, and Web Browser

Institute for Industrial Development

Enrolled 3
  • 2 Classes
  • 33:1:33
Rs.501.00 Add to cart
Life Skill and Value Education


Life Skill and Value Education

Institute for Industrial Development

Enrolled 101
  • 3 Classes
  • 14:54:14
Rs.1,250.00 Add to cart
Basics of Startups


Basics of Startups

Institute for Industrial Development

Enrolled 10
  • 2 Classes
  • 26:40:26
Rs.750.00 Add to cart
Franchise Your Business Course


Franchise Your Business Course

Institute for Industrial Development

Enrolled 4
  • 2 Classes
  • 29:8:29
Rs.999.00 Add to cart
Using Spread Sheet


Using Spread Sheet

Institute for Industrial Development

Enrolled 3
  • 2 Classes
  • 09:47:09
Rs.500.00 Add to cart
Making Small Presentation


Making Small Presentation

Institute for Industrial Development

Enrolled 6
  • 2 Classes
  • 16:10:16
Rs.500.00 Add to cart
Urban Waste Management Course


Urban Waste Management Course

Institute for Industrial Development

Enrolled 6
  • 2 Classes
  • 36:30:36
Rs.900.00 Add to cart

By Institute for Industrial Development

Franchise Your Business Course

InProfessional Courses

Enrolled 4
  • Higher secondary
  • Management skills
  • 2 Classes
  • 29:8:29

By Institute for Industrial Development

Urban Waste Management Course

InIndustrial Courses

Enrolled 6
  • No specific requirement is needed
  • 2 Classes
  • 36:30:36